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Chinas major industries have won the "favor" of foreign investment

2020-03-10 18:04:38

In recent years, under the continuous expansion of China's market opening, China's major industries have won the "favor" of foreign investment. In terms of further expanding market opening, long ago our country announced another major good news! On January 9, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that China will fully open up the oil gas exploration exploitation market, allowing private foreign-funded enterprises other social capitals to enter China's oil gas exploration development field. This move will end the long-term monopoly of the oil gas exploration market by state-owned oil companies.


In recent years, under the continuous expansion of China's market opening, China's major industries have won the "favor" of foreign investment. In terms of further expanding market opening, long ago our country announced another major good news! On January 9, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that China will fully open up the oil gas exploration exploitation market, allowing private foreign-funded enterprises other social capitals to enter China's oil gas exploration development field. This move will end the long-term monopoly of the oil gas exploration market by state-owned oil companies.

    According to the "Opinions on Promoting Reform of Mineral Resources Management (Trial)" issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources on December 31, 2019, the oil gas exploration exploitation market was opened to register in the People's Republic of China, with a net asset of less than RMB 300 million All domestic foreign companies are eligible to acquire oil gas mining rights in accordance with regulations.

    In recent years, with China's surge in demand for crude oil consumption, China has become the world's largest importer of crude oil natural gas, the external dependence of oil gas is also increasing year by year. In fact, China's oil gas resources are relatively rich, but the degree of exploration is high. At present, China's oil exploration rate is 31%, natural gas is 16%, the market prospect is quite broad.

    With the liberalization of the oil gas exploration market, a group of qualified companies will surely flood into the market, if companies want to obtain relevant qualifications, in addition to their own capital, corresponding exploration mining technical capabilities are also essential, which requires the purchase of corresponding Instruments equipment, especially survey instruments, such as XRF analyzers, X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, gas chromatographic analysis instruments, logging instruments.

    Gas chromatographic analysis instruments have been widely used in oil gas exploration development work, have become an indispensable instrument for the analysis of oil gas rock organic matter composition, evaluation of oil gas resources in basins, display evaluation of oil gas on well sites, surface oil gas geochemical exploration oilfield development experiments research .

    The XRF analyzer can analyze a variety of common sample types in the upstream oil gas exploration production industry, including drilling cuttings, cores, surface outcrops, piston column core deposits for hydrocarbon exploration.

    With the liberalization of the oil gas exploration market, the increase in exploration demand will surely bring new market demand for related survey instruments. In addition, with the increase in oil gas production, the continuous development of its downstream industries related research, the demand for related instruments will also continue to increase, such as oil analyzers, flow meters, valves, etc., the overall instrument market for oil gas applications will definitely Achieve big growth.



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