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The manufacture of instrumentation changes big to strong, requiring innovation quality

2020-03-10 18:00:59



In the 70 years since the founding of New China, China's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly,  has achieved remarkable industrial achievements in a short period of time. It has established a modern industrial system that has attracted the attention of the world  has all the categories listed in the UN industry classification. The world's largest manufacturing country. As an important part of China's manufacturing industry, instrument manufacturing industry has played an important role in promoting the development of the national economy. According to statistics  relevant departments, as early as 2006, China has become Asia's second-largest instrumentation country except Japan. After rapid development in recent years, China's instrument  meter manufacturing industry has been rich in product categories, the industrial system of production  development capabilities is becoming larger,  the growth rate of production  sales is also surging. However, various difficulties are still hidden.

   With the transformation of the economy  the continuous shift of the world's manufacturing industry, many problems that need to be solved in the instrumentation  manufacturing industry have gradually emerged. Weak innovation capabilities  some core parts of the "stuck neck" are still heavily dependent on imports. The sustainable development of China's instrumentation manufacturing industry. In the stage of high-quality development of manufacturing industry, how does China's instrumentation manufacturing industry change  big to strong? The two "brushes" of innovation  quality also need to be brought into play.

Towards a strong country of instrumentation manufacturing, innovation is a "weapon"

    At present, the challenges faced by China's instrument  meter manufacturing industry, in addition to low-end overcapacity  insufficient supply of high-end products  external storage at the same time, there is the lack of innovation in new product development, insufficient new technology reserves,  large dependence on core key technologies. .

    According to Chinese customs statistics,  2013 to 2017, the six categories of imported instruments ranged  70 billion to 90 billion yuan annually. At the same time, in many instruments  meters that have been domestically produced, there is also a "hollow" problem. For example, an instrument manufacturing enterprise in Guangzhou spends 40% of its net profit every year to purchase high-end general-purpose components (high-end lasers, molecular pumps) required by mass spectrometers. This situation needs urgent improvement.

  "The current global demand for 'Made in China' is close to saturation. To achieve high-quality development in China's manufacturing industry, it depends on providing more innovative products." Shi Wei, director of the Industrial Office of the Economic System  Management Institute of the National Development  Reform Commission, believes The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry should be gradually transformed into an innovation-led development model by over-reliance on the introduction of foreign equipment  technology.

   Industry insiders suggest that the high-quality development of the instrument  meter manufacturing industry should coordinate policies  financial resources to support the key processes, technology research  development  industrialization of sensors, industrial software  industrial control systems during enterprise transformation, thereby enhancing the core competition of domestic instrument  meter force.

Towards a powerful country of instrument manufacturing, quality is the "life gate"

 "Now, in terms of total industrial output value  number of products, China is already a well-deserved manufacturing country, but there is still a gap  a real manufacturing power." Liu Zhaobin, president of China Association for Quality Promotion, believes that quality is the lifeblood of products ".

  At present, China has become a major producer of commonly used instruments  meters,  has accumulated sufficient production supply. However, the basic research intensity of China's instrumentation manufacturing industry is  enough,  there are still some inadequacies in the instrumentation manufacturing technology, especially some key technologies have  yet been well resolved, resulting in unstable performance, accuracy,  reliability of some high-end instrumentation products It is also relatively low,  the product quality needs to be continuously improved.

 "If the quality is good, you must have a strong technical foundation to support, including a country's measurement, standards, certification, inspection  testing  market supervision." Liu Zhaobin introduced, the current measurement coverage of China's manufacturing enterprises is about 50%, each It is difficult to achieve a high level of professional technical indicators. The next step should be more work on product measurement  standardization to make up for the gaps in the traceability, comparison  calibration of data values.

  In addition, to improve the quality of instrumentation products, craftsmanship is essential. At present, there are 2,734 "invisible champions" of global SMEs, of which Germany occupies more than 1,300. It relies on the long-term research spirit of perseverance, perseverance,  meticulousness,  the lasting determination to focus on its own product field. The manufacture of instrumentation is slow,  you can't play without the spirit of craftsmen.

  The ancients said: "No step, no miles." The high-quality development of the instrument  meter manufacturing industry must conform to the trend of the times  the laws of manufacturing development. Only by solving a series of problems faced by China's instrument  meter manufacturing industry will the instrument  meter manufacturing industry be better tomorrow.



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